January 2024 - Tech Center Newsletter....our students, adults, and staff are doing amazing things! https://swmitech.sharepoint.com/:b:/s/AAESA-TC-AllStaff/EcQa8p6QesNKhH4ZetLy6BUBOmtStSUShHUlZKWkfts1Cg?e=91Ydxo
12 months ago, Tech Center
Front Page of January 2024 newsletter
2nd page of newsletter
third page of newsletter
Graphic Art & Design students collaborated with Criminal Justice (CJ) students to develop and design the Criminal Justice 2023-24 team logos. Graphic students met with their clients to ask questions and get an idea of their design needs. The CJ students also presented visual roughs to give the designers a place to start. Each individual student then created their own designs and presented them in a second meeting to finalize the favorites. Pictured here are a few of the final designs.
12 months ago, Tech Center
Photo of 5 different logos
We enjoy it when our alumni come back to visit and let us know what they are doing now! Deputy Kayla Southwick is a former Criminal Justice student, 2021-2022. Kayla credits the program and instructor, Bill Baker, for preparing and giving her the skills to be successful in the Police Academy. She currently is a road officer for the Allegan County Sherriff's Department. Pictured with Kayla is Criminal Justice instructor, Bill Baker.
12 months ago, Tech Center
Photo of Bill Baker, Criminal Justice Instructor, with Kayla Southwick, dressed in her Sherriff's Department uniform.
For January 17, due to weather conditions the Allegan Area ESA will have a complete shutdown. All buildings and programs are closed.
12 months ago, Allegan Area ESA
school closing announcement
For January 17, due to expected weather conditions the Tech Center and Hillside Learning Center will be closed.
12 months ago, Allegan Area ESA
school closing announcement
Welding is one of our most popular Adult CTE courses! Register now before it is full!
12 months ago, Allegan Tech Center Adult Education
Welding Winter Flyer
For January 16, due to weather conditions the Allegan Area ESA will have a complete shutdown. All buildings and programs are closed.
12 months ago, Allegan Area ESA
school closing announcement
Trimester 2 Student Spotlight for the Manufacturing Careers Technology program is Hopkins High School junior, Lillia Bailey. Lillia signed up for the class to gain knowledge of machining to help her make parts for the #2054 Robotics Team at Hopkins. Lillia has been a quick learner and will share her knowledge to help students having difficulties. She is a self-starter and is not afraid to jump right in on new projects. Along with attending the Tech Center and being involved with the robotics team she is also a member of the color guard. After graduation her plan is to attend college.
12 months ago, Tech Center
Picture of Lillia Bailey standing in the Manufacturing Careers shop
Picture of Lillia Bailey using one of the CNC machines in the shop
The Allegan Adult CTE Program is passionate about helping the community continue to learn and grow and build a strong Allegan County. To help accomplish this, we use our Sect. 107 Adult Special Programs grant to help Allegan County residents complete their high school diploma or GED with one of our Adult Education Partners, Allegan Adult Education, and Plainwell Adult Education. West Michigan Works then comes alongside our adult students to help increase employability skills. At the same time, the student can take one of our CTE programs in the evening for free. Reach out to Career Navigator, Allyson for more information and get enrolled today!
12 months ago, Allegan Tech Center Adult Education
Sect. 107 Brochure
Page 2 of Sect. 107 Brochure
Earn your CNA through our partnership with Lake Michigan College. Class starts later this month. See flyer for details!
about 1 year ago, Allegan Tech Center Adult Education
CNA Information Flyer
The Welding students are starting one of their community service projects which is fabricating eight bicycle racks for the city of Allegan. Each design will have a theme and will be located outside of the business it represents. All eight racks were designed by our Engineering, Electronics, and Robotics students. This project was brought to us from Joel Dye, Allegan City Manager. The rack pictured will end up looking like a mug and will represent Tantrick Brewing Co.
about 1 year ago, Tech Center
Picture of a bike rack that is sitting in the welding shop.
January is School Board Recognition Month. Thank you to the Allegan Area ESA Board of Education for ensuring that every learner, school, and community thrives.
about 1 year ago, Allegan Area ESA
photo of 5 school board members standing in a line
Career and Technical Education (CTE) is not just for high school students. The Allegan Area ESA is committed to delivering continuing education and training opportunities for adults of all ages at the Tech Center. The Allegan Tech Center, in collaboration with postsecondary partners, community organizations and state agencies promotes learning and aim to improve access to affordable and meaningful educational opportunities. Instructors are experts in their industry and help adults improve skills whether the student is taking courses for personal enjoyment or looking to gain entry-level skills in the chosen industry for future employment. We also have the unique ability to connect adult students working on high school completion with our Career Navigator to enroll in our courses for free.
about 1 year ago, Allegan Area ESA
Man working at machining station
Cameran Cameruci....student spotlight for EMS.
about 1 year ago, Tech Center
EMS post for Student Spotlight. Photo of Carson Cameruci next to an ambulance. Carson is a junior at Martin High School and chose the Tech Center's EMS program so he could help people in his community. He is a cadet on the Martin Fire Department and will be starting Fire Academy in January. Carson plays football for Martin and is a 2-time State Champion.
Student Spotlight....Culinary Arts!
about 1 year ago, Tech Center
A photo slide of cookies and Kynlee in her kitchen. The slide says: Kynlee Boomsma - Culinary Arts. Yummy news! Kynlee Boomsma, a junior at Wayland High School, was hired by the Wayland school district to bake 36 dozen cookies for their staff! Kynlee is the owner of Kynlee's Kreations, which is a pie and cookie business she runs on Facebook and Instagram. Kynlee started this business as a fundraising opportunity for her to go to Europe this past June. Since her big trip, she still loves spreading joy to others through her baking. Kynlee is loving her experience in Culinary Arts at the Tech Center and is furthering her skills a ton! Make sure to check her out!
Meet Brooklyn Badders! Today's spotlight.
about 1 year ago, Tech Center
Health Care Science Foundations Student Spotlight: Brooklyn Badders is a senior from Otsego High School. Brooklyn also attends Early College and this year chose to add our Tech Center program "to gain knowledge and experience in the healthcare field." She has already earned several certifications and has learned many skills that will help her in the future. Her career goal is to become a nurse.
Enrollment for the Tech Center starts at the local district/high school level for students and is initiated in February. All of our programs are one-year programs except for Auto and Heavy Equipment, which are two-year; seniors can still enroll. 10th and 11th grade students should discuss their wish to enroll in one of our programs, and also graduation requirements, with their local high school counselor. Homeschool and private school students are welcome, and their enrollment also begins at their given school district to discuss enrollment procedures. More information can be found on our website: alhttps://www.alleganaesa.org/page/tech-center-program-enrollment-information
about 1 year ago, Tech Center
Student Spotlight for Manufacturing Careers Technology! We would like to introduce Taegan Harris, Martin High School senior. Taegan finished our one-year program last year and decided to return to continue building his skills. He is a model student and is a leader both in the classroom and the shop. Taegan shares his knowledge of machining with his classmates when they need help. His projects placed well last year in both the MITES regional and state competitions. He was also an integral part of Martin's recent back-to-back state football championships. After graduation he is undecided between attending college or going straight to the workforce to begin a career in the machining trade. Whichever path he chooses his future is bright!
about 1 year ago, Tech Center
Picture of Taegan Harris standing in the Manufacturing Careers shop at the Tech Center
Each year local 10th grade students visit the Tech Center to explore career and technical education programs. The Pathways to Success students rocked the house during these visits! Students showcased their career paths with vibrant display tables. The visitors interacted, asked questions, and got inspired! If anyone else wishes to know about our Pathways to Success program as this was a new non-CTE program this year, please call 269-512-7800.
about 1 year ago, Tech Center
A pathways student chats with 10th graders
Picture of 10th graders with the pathways students and teacher
Pathways student talking to a 10th grader
A Pathways student standing at a table labeled "manager".
A Pathways student standing at a table with a child's basketball hoop
Pathways student with a table labeled "Builder" and items that a builder would use on the table.
Student Spotlight: Heidi Billington, Martin High School senior and a student of our Health Occupations Academy (second year health program we have available).
about 1 year ago, Tech Center
Photo of Heidi Billington in a NMU baseball cap. Congratulations, Northern Michigan University Harden Scholarship, full-ride, recipient.