Take a look at our Spring lineup of courses! Registration is now open.
10 months ago, Allegan Tech Center Adult Education
Spring Class adult class schedule
Construction starts next week, so don't miss out! Call today to register!
10 months ago, Allegan Tech Center Adult Education
Construction Basics Flyer
Remember the Tech Center for your automotive needs! You only pay for materials and parts. Call or Email for an appointment: 269-512-7806, greg.sagodic@alleganaesa.org.
10 months ago, Tech Center
Advertisement for Automotive Program Service List.
In our student spotlight, Pathways to Success is proud to feature Fennville student Valeria Ramirez, who will be attending Grand Rapids Community College this fall to embark on her journey towards a business degree. Valeria's dedication and ambition set the stage for her future success in the world of business.
10 months ago, Tech Center
Photo of Valeria Ramirez holding a banner that says Grand Rapids Community College
"When you have a student show up on his day off and wants to shingle in the rain, I guess you have to join him." Student is Hopkins High School senior, Nolan Wood, on the roof of the student-build home with Andy Findling, Building Trades 2 instructor.
10 months ago, Tech Center
Picture of Andy Findling, Building Trades 2 instructor, on the roof with a student in the rain
Pathways to Success would like to spotlight Samantha Robinson, a dedicated senior at Otsego High School. This fall of 2024, she will be attending KVCC to pursue her passion for animals and become a vet technician, showcasing her commitment to the field of veterinary care.
10 months ago, Tech Center
Photo of Samantha Robinson holding a flag that says Cougars Kalamazoo Valley
Last evening, the AIS Heavy Equipment program held its second annual open house. The instructor started this last year as the program is not located on our main campus, and he saw a need to get visitors to the off-site building. Four industry partners set up tables of information to showcase what they have to offer the youth coming into the industry: AIS Construction, Walinga's, Zeigler Auto Group, and Green Mark. Swag was given away, Green Mark brought a new tractor, and Zeigler brought a new Ram diesel truck. A total of 93 people were in attendance, including many younger kids that we hope will turn into future students! This was not only a great event for current students to bring their families to highlight the projects they have been working on, but it was also great for employers to talk with students about the opportunities that are available to them. We are already looking forward to the next one!
10 months ago, Tech Center
Photo of the room with visitors
Another photo of the room from a different angle
Photo of the Zeigler table
Photo of the AIS Construction table
Photo of Employer's tables and swag
The Tech Center held a design contest for our latest t-shirts and Navaya Ingle of Hopkins High School was the winner! Designs went through a committee and then students and staff voted from seven designs! These t-shirts are available in black and white and are $7 - available in the Tech Center office!
11 months ago, Tech Center
Pictured is Navay Ingle of Hopkins High School holding her winning design on a black t-shirt
As we come to the end of CTE month, we'd like to present the new overview video of the Allegan Area Tech Center. https://www.alleganaesa.org/page/tech-center
11 months ago, Allegan Area ESA
Tech Center title graphic
Enrollment for the 2024 Summer Tech Camp will open March 4, 2024. Dates are still subject to change depending on school calendars due to snow day make-up days. This is for CURRENT 6th, 7th, and 8th graders.
11 months ago, Tech Center
Tech Camp Flier 2024
"Recognizing the important role high-quality, hands-on learning opportunities can play in addressing the state's 520,000 annual projected job openings through 2030, Gov. Gretchen Whitmer joins the Michigan Department of Labor and Economic Opportunity (LEO) and the Michigan Department of Education (MDE) in proclaiming February as Career and Technical Education (CTE) Month."....please continue reading the press release here: https://www.michigan.gov/leo/news/2024/02/08/students-encouraged-to-explore-education-and-career-pathways-during-cte-month
11 months ago, Tech Center
Standing in front of a sign that says "My Career Is..." is a femal student holding a sign that says Tattoo Artist
Standing in front of a sign that says "I'm a Successful..." is board member Tom Scheidel holding a sign that says Public Information Coordinator
Standing in front of a sign that says "I'm a Successful..." is board member Rick Day holding a sign that says State Fire Marshal
Standing in front of a sign that says "My Career Is..." is a femal student holding a sign that says 911 Operator
Pathways to Success teacher standing in front of career signs made by students
Standing in front of a sign that says "I'm a Successful..." is Bill Brown holding a sign that says Superintendent
Did you know? – Michigan high school students who were enrolled in a Career and Technical Education (CTE) program earned higher wages than non-CTE students within each level of educational attainment? View more facts and figures in the 2021-2022 Michigan Facts Brochure at https://bit.ly/3vApYTb! #MiCareerTechEd #MiACTE #CTEMonth The Allegan Area ESA Tech Center would love to recognize prior students who were enrolled in our programs and are now doing great things in their communities beyond high school graduation. Please scroll through the attached pictures to see what some of our CTE alumni are doing now. https://5il.co/2ezoi
11 months ago, Tech Center
Program Alumni Spotlight Showcase
Talent Together is an innovative partnership led by all 56 intermediate school districts (ISDs) in Michigan who wants to help you advance your career in the teaching profession. Please watch this video for more information. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VOCCM5ynP6g
11 months ago, Allegan Area ESA
Apply to Talent Together by March 3
Did you know? Students who are enrolled in Career and Technical Education programs are more engaged, graduate from high school at higher rates, earn industry-recognized credentials, and have rewarding and family-sustaining careers? Check out CTE videos that highlight our programs with our students at https://vimeo.com/showcase/8316581.
11 months ago, Tech Center
Happy Career & Technical Education Month February 1-29 #MiCareerteched #CTEmonth
We do not want to forget to honor our School Counselors this week!
11 months ago, Tech Center
Photo of Breanne Dalm an dArt Ziemelis, the Tech Center School Counselors, wishing them a Happy National School Counseling Week
February is Career and Technical Education (CTE) Month! CTE programs provide Michigan students with hands-on training that can be applied to real-world, in-demand college, training and career pathways. Students will also: • Acquire specific skills to pursue their career passion while also building a foundation for lifelong learning. • Start their path toward a career while earning valuable experience, college credits and more. • Be prepared for college success. Photographed here is Welding Technology student, Zack Statler, fixing a clutch housing for a client referred from the Auto Program. He is using TIG welding Aluminum Cast, which is quite the process as he has to pre-heat the metal and then after the welding is completed must be brought back to temperature slowly. Our students are learning amazing hands-on skills every day!
11 months ago, Tech Center
Photographed here is Welding Technology student, Zack Statler, fixing a clutch housing for a client referred from the Auto Program.
Photographed here is Welding Technology student, Zack Statler, fixing a clutch housing for a client referred from the Auto Program.
February is Career & Technical Education (CTE) Month! The Allegan Tech Center is proud of all of our CTE programs. A perfect time to check us out is at our Open House, next week, February 13, 6-8pm.! Any questions, please call us directly at 269-512-7800.
11 months ago, Tech Center
CTE Month Celebrating Career & Technical Education Month, February 1-29
Register today for Basic Construction! 64 hours of instruction with hands-on, project-based class, you will walk away with great skills for around the house or to enter the construction industry.
11 months ago, Allegan Tech Center Adult Education
Construction Spring flyer
We are excited to be able to offer Culinary Arts once again for our Allegan County Community. Whether you are new to cooking for yourself, have been cooking for yourself and/or a family for years, or looking to see if the culinary world could hold a future career choice for you, this is the class to take! Register today!
11 months ago, Allegan Tech Center Adult Education
Culinary Winter flyer
The Allegan Tech Center is hosting an open house for the community! Adults can also check out the courses that are offered in the evenings representing highly employable industries. Stop by our Adult CTE/Education table. For those without a GED or high school diploma, we can connect you with our adult education providers and be a recipient of our Special Programs grant and take an evening course for free!
11 months ago, Allegan Tech Center Adult Education
Open House Flyer for Adult Ed